Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Crepe burritos? That's weird...

Did I mention I love to freeze things? Because I do. Earlier this month I made and froze some crepes, wanting to do something fun with them. So I finally decided what that something fun was. We were going to have breakfast for supper, and breakfast burritos with crepe wraps were going to be the main dish. I defrosted my crepes, cooked sausage, scrambled eggs, fried a little bacon, tore into a grapefruit, assembled it all, and dinner was served.

Dinner was a glowing success by all of our standards and taste buds. The crepe did a very good job holding a breakfast burrito. The only problem was this: crepes are very thin (and weak), therefore have a little trouble holding all of the fillings of a burrito. Also, toothpicks rip their flesh...
One random thought: my plates have no yellow in the salmon colored lining. That is a reaction to the flash of my camera.

Anyway, other than the ripping of the crepe, this dinner idea was a success. It was SOOO quick and easy. It was finished in less than half an hour and simply delish. Yay for crepe burritos!
During dinner we decided the little man was being cute and funny. The next step was obviously a photo shoot, starring none other than my little guy. We took 13 or 14 pictures which were all pretty good, but these three are my favorites hands down.

Despite the booger nose, bacon bite, and chocolate stain on the seat, this smile is FABULOUS. It's contagious. And wonderful. I may be just a bit biased, but I believe that with my whole heart. His big personality explodes out of this picture!

I love this little tough guy picture. Ya wanna go?

It is a minor miracle that I caught this. Isn't it one of the most precious pictures ever?
Lingering thought of the day: I am so excited for whatever this next year may hold for us with the match, a move, starting fresh somewhere new (most likely). I'm a little nervous too, but mostly I'm really excited about starting a new adventure with my boys!


  1. This one time, I tried something crazy and used a tortilla for burritos. lol. He is too cute! I sure miss the little booger!

  2. Staci, first of all, thank you so much for your comment on my blog. I have not been very creative lately for whatever reasons. But I really appreciate your positive compliment!! THANK YOU!!
    I love the idea of a crepe burrito. Love crepes, love breakfast burritos. Great idea!
    Your little guy is absolutely a joy to look at. Definitely a sweety!!

  3. I love you Staci!! If I were in the market for a wife, I'd try to steal you...which would be a shock for our husbands.
