Monday, April 4, 2011

UK Partay

On Saturday, we went to a UK partay at a friend's house. It was great fun, even if the outcome of the game wasn't quite what we were hoping it would be.  That morning, we ran to the mall to pick up a few things.  UK t-shirts were included on the list of items to buy.  It was easy to find shirts for Scott, Eli, and me.  However, it was a bit trickier for little bit.  Everything was just a little...well, blah.  SO, while the rest of the fam took an afternoon nap, it gave me the opportunity to create this outfit:

I was pretty excited.  All of it was made of materials, basic pieces, and supplies I already had on hand.  Yay for freebies!  It was my first tutu and first applique. 

Here's our fam all decked out:

Kate borrowed a beanbag chair.

While Eli borrowed a massive hand...I think it's also worth noting that Eli got to pick out his own shirt.  He had two choices.  He did a pretty good job.
Eli stayed up and played through the game.  He had a blast.  Kate was a little more sleepy, but the girl even sleeps with flair.  How funny is this pose?
Lingering thought of the day:  Last night my little ones decided to wake up in alternating shifts through the night.  The problem is that I got cocky.  I started telling people they were sleeping through the night, and I was well rested.  They overheard me and decided it was time to put a plan into action.  Maybe, just maybe, after the sleep strike last night, me little ones will decide to take mercy on Mama tonight...