Wednesday, June 30, 2010

A look into my freezer...

If you've read my blog long (or not), you probably know how affectionately I feel toward my new deep freeze. In the two weeks or so we've lived here, one of my main goals has been to start filling it with summer's goodness. Summer goodness, in my eyes, comes straight from the farmer's market. We've been twice so far, and I have been amazed by the size and selection available here.

Freezing tip: If something is frozen at the peak of freshness, rather than right before it goes bad, it will freeze better and taste better when thawed. Yes, this sounds like common sense. However, putting it into practice is harder than it sounds. I've made it a priority. I want my fruits and veggies to come out tasting fabulous, never hum-drum.

Today I'll give a little tour through my deep freeze. But before I show you what's in my deep freeze, allow me to tell you what's in my top o' the fridge freezer. Aside from the store bought, easy foods, I also have a pot pie, shepherd's pie filling, and two kinds of breakfast burritos. I made two pot pies and shepherd's pie--we ate one and froze one. Then I made forty breakfast burritos (20 ham & cheese and 20 sausage & cheese). I thought they'd make a good breakfast for my hubby when he has to be at work by 6 (yes, am). They just need to be microwaved for a few minutes, and they're good to go.

Now, on with the tour. The first item in my freezer are frozen grapes. My mom gave me this idea (the white stuff's sugar). Once they're frozen through, they'll go into a freezer bag until time to eat them. On the next shelf down, we have frozen peaches and berries. Again, once the berries are frozen through, they will go into freezer bags. A friend told me recently that if you put parchment paper down on the baking sheets the berries don't stick AT ALL. I fully intend to try that next time!
On the inside of the door is peach butter (like apple butter but made with peaches). I'm pretty excited to try this! By the way, these little jars are made by Ball for canners who are also interested in freezing. Woo hoo for this piece of brilliance!
On the shelf below the berries live my breads. I have five batches of breadknots and a loaf of zucchini bread. Soon to live on this shelf are rolls and mashed potatoes!
Here are a couple of close-ups of my berries--black and blue from the farmer's market.

I've been measuring these into freezer bags in one cup increments to use for smoothies.
We've been on a smoothie kick for about a week and a half now. Here's the basic recipe:
Put the following into a blender:
1 C berries
1 banana, sliced and frozen
3/4 C apple juice
1 individual container of yogurt
Blend until smooth.

These are really good, and they're good for us. The berries can be whichever variety you prefer: strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, mixed, whatever really.

Lingering thought of the day: I will never, ever, ever get behind on laundry again. Playing catch up is no fun. I refuse to let it go this long ever again!

Monday, June 28, 2010

I'm Back!

So, I've been MIA in the blogging world for.....well, I don't really even know how long. And I've missed it desperately. For awhile I had a good excuse: no internet access. That was in the middle of the big move. For the rest of it there's not really any great reason for my absence other than a total sense of bamboozlement. Let me fill you in on what's new with our family.

1. We moved from Missouri to Kentucky. So far we really like it. We've packed, unpacked (most of it anyway), painted, put in a floor, started searching for a church, met people, made a few new friends, and tried to find our way around our new town. It's a nice adventure for us and most likely will continue to be for the next four years or so.

2. We're expecting baby #2 on January 26th. We're really excited about this and can't wait to find out boy or girl so we can start planning.

3. I've taken on a new job as a bookie for horse racing. SO, if you're wanting to place a bet, I'm your gal. Just kidding!

4. Scott has been busy this past week getting PALS and ACLS certified. He'll start his new job on Thursday. Yay for my hubby! By the way, he graduated in May after four years of grueling work. I'm so proud of my guy!

5. Eli is getting big! He's had lots of fun summer activities so far--including swimming fully clothed. He's quite the character. Expect another post on this guy very shortly.

6. I've been busy playing squirrel, storing away summer goodness for winter. Have I mentioned that I'm quite fond of my new deep freeze? There will also be a post on this very soon.

7. It feels like we've had a lot more going on that this, but I'm afraid I put too much into #1 to leave much else for my list. Anyway, life's been busy lately, but we love it!

Lingering thought of the day: Is it scary or reassuring to have at least one police officer on guard at our Wal-Mart 24/7?