Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Keeper of the Sharpie

We went to Wal-Mart the night of the match to get boxes. Since then, we've gotten more boxes, boxes, and more boxes. I collect boxes everywhere we go. I'm starting to think I have a gift...of getting people to give me free boxes. Everyone I see stocking shelves has boxes, and they give them to me willingly. Sometimes I ask store employees who aren't stocking shelves if they have any they need to get rid of--they return from the back of the store with armloads. This is a wonderful thing as boxes are quite expensive to purchase. As I've been collecting and filling boxes (with loads of help from my hubby), Eli's been quite willing to lend Mommy a hand. While I pack a box, he'll take out the things he doesn't think should go in that box. Or, if I'm not putting in the right amount, he'll throw in a toy or two for me. He's been a tremendous help.
Ei's a very hard worker. He assigned himself the job of "supplies manager."He was very good at keeping track of the Sharpies and tape. He also showed a lot of interest in the packaging tape gun and scissors. However, we took care of those for him as he had more important things to attend to.
When we get boxes with holes in the bottom, Eli's willing to hop in, squat on down, and fill them for us. Yes, we let our child pack boxes in a diaper, shirt, and socks. He likes that attire best.

Packing boxes wears a guy out. After awhile he's just gotta call it quits and have a little nap. He's looking pretty sleepy here--not to mention a little cross-eyed. Rest assured, in real life he's not at all cross-eyed. I think my flash does a number on him. AND he's far too busy helping to pose for a picture. Mommy just has to get what she can get.

My little man is ready to go. He likes to talk about going to Lexington. When we asks if he'd like to move there, he always answers "Yep!" with a big grin. I think we're all about ready to be moved already. This will be an excellent adventure for us!

Lingering thought of the day: Two and a Half Men cracks me up. It makes me lose sleep. Obviously, if it's on, I laugh too hard for that sleep nonsense. So, I have to go to sleep before 10:30 or I'm up for awhile--especially on Sunday when there are three episodes on in a row.

Other lingering thought: House hunting is starting to consume too many of my thoughts. Stay posted for pictures of possibilities within the next couple of days!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Chicken Boobies, How I Love You!

First things first, in part because I'm too excited about my great finds. I stopped in HyVee the other day to get apples for apple pie; it'll come at a later date. Anyway, while I was there to get apples, and apples only, I found: Italian marinated chicken breasts 2 for $2, Velveeta for $1.50 per big block, $2 fruit cups for $1 each, 9 big egg boxes (for packing our belongings for the big move), and apples 11 for $1.99. The apples were actually on sale for $1.99 per pound. However, they wouldn't ring up right (I tried to tell her that was wrong, but she didn't know how to fix it...). Long story short, I got eleven HUGE apples for $1.99. That's two overflowingly full pies worth. It was quite the trip, and I got far more than I went in to buy. It was quite the trip.

Finding the chicken breasts inspired me to make parmesan chicken. A year or two ago, I discovered these Italian marinated chicken breasts and bought a few to try. I thought about it and thought about it and finally decided to make chicken parmesan with them--something I'd never tried before. So I set up my assembly line (preparation is key when cooking) of chicken, egg wash (egg and milk), bread crumbs (half Italian, half regular), then the baking dish. I dipped the chicken in wash, then dipped in bread crumbs, and put the covered chicken boobies in the baking dish. That's right. I'm a rebel. I bake my chicken for the chicken parmesan. Here's the story: I hate to pan fry; I hate to deep fry; I try to make my recipes healthier. Therefore, my chicken is baked. And that's the way I like it. I'm good with this. Yes, I have attitude about it, but why I have attitude I still don't know...
Anyway, while the chicken baked in its sprayed pan for 45-60 minutes, I got some whole wheat rolls out of the freezer, melted butter, brushed it on with my beloved pastry brush, and stuck them in the oven too. I boiled my noodles, drained them (without rinsing--that's bad), and stirred in sauce from The Hill. Yum. I kept that on warm and put some peas in the microwave with a little butter, salt, and pepper. I mixed a little parmesan cheese and garlic salt into my melted butter and brushed it onto the rolls when they came out. Then, finally, I assembled our plates:
It was a yummy, fairly speedy dinner. It was full of flavor--the marinated chicken breasts helped with that. I LOVE to cook for my boys. They both enjoyed this dinner very much.

Lingering thought of the day: I am so ready for summer. Let the count down commence!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Meeting Miss Missouri

This past week I took three students to the State FCCLA Leadership Conference. It was a great experience. I think we all brought back good ideas to implement in the future. We learned a lot about the Children's Miracle Network--an excellent cause--and how it relates to the University Children's Hospital. It was quite touching.

Then we went to a session on "FUNdraising." Once inside, we discovered the guest speaker was Miss Missouri. She's the spokesperson for the Children's Miracle Network. She told about her experiences in raising funds for them. She seemed genuine and down to earth. When the session ended, they told us she would be in the next room for pictures and autographs. My chapter felt this would be a good experience, so we went in and had a picture taken with her. She gave each of us a signed picture and chatted with us for a moment. I was pretty impressed with her.

When we took our picture, she asked if she could have one with her camera for her website. We agreed. Here's a link to her blog. It hasn't been updated yet, but this picture should eventually be there. FCCLA brings all kinds of interesting experiences to the students (and advisors) involved.

Lingering thought of the day: When moving to Kentucky, it is of the utmost importance to learn the "John Wall dance." Atleast that's what my students tell me. So...I did.

Friday, March 26, 2010

So...You Wanna See My Squirrel???

For Christmas, I asked for Target gift cards, because I had a bathroom set picked out that I really liked. I received a card from my grandmawmaw and was pretty excited. SO, I went and bought my shower curtain--Home Vista Tree Shower Curtain--I tried to attach a picture but failed. I also bought some pinecone shower hookers...I can't recall the real name. Then I went to Penneys and bought some clearanced bathroom rugs that match.

A little while later I found towels on sale at Target that go perfectly. There are brown ones and green stripey ones. They're quite cushy. I love new towels.

I sat on these items, knowing I couldn't really use them until we move. Then, I received some birthday money. SO, this past week, I went to JoAnn Fabric and found some treasures on clearance that go really well. Allow me to show you:

#1--Two cute, woodsy candle holders. I like these. Someday I'll find some candles to go with them--not white. Maybe a sandalwoodish color...

#2-- I know the next picture is screwed up. However, the roll of moss ribbon will be the essence of the bathroom. What will I do with it? I have no idea. But it will be fabulous! And, yes, these pictures were taken on moving boxes.
#3-- I also found these little woodland creatures. How cute are they? The snail's my favorite.
#4--Finally, the best part of the entire squirrel. I LOVE this squirrel. He's not as whimsical as I hoped for, but I adore him. He will live in my bathroom. He will freak out my husband as he uses the toilet. There are many reasons I like this squirrel. He is wonderful--cute little nut muncher!

Though this bathroom will not be as cool as an anatomically correct bathroom centered entirely around the human body, it should be pretty cute!

Lingering thought of the day: I cannot wait to figure out which house we're going to buy and see this bathroom to completion (not to mention everything else)!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Kentucky, Here We Come!

So, my hubby's match was last Thursday. Drumroll, please! We're headed to Lexington, Kentucky! We're pretty excited about this, but a little nervous too. Let me fill you in on what we've been up to this past week:

*We've told family and friends we're leaving.

*We've been gathering boxes, boxes, everywhere. I discovered that if you roam Wal-Mart around 10pm, there are mountains of empty boxes just waiting to be taken. That greatly pleases this frugalista. I LOVE free stuff!

*We've been pre-approved for a home loan (and will be doing the bulk of our banking with the same bank). We've decided to take the plunge and buy. There are about 10 houses in our price range that we really like. We'll go look at them in the near future and write out a contract.

*We've selected a realtor. She seems to be quite nice.

*I've applied to the district in Lexington for a teaching position. Yes, I was coerced.

*I've packed five boxes. I'm doing two per night (I know the math on that doesn't quite add up). My hubby has two days of work left, then he's free as a bird for the next two months. He's going to be house-packer extraordinaire!

*We've done more, but my mind is old, tired, and slipping. More will follow on this topic shortly--not my old brain, moving stuff.

*Everything is falling into place perfectly (see lingering thought).

Lingering thought of the day: God always provides exactly what we need--whatever that may be. Whether we realize it or not, all things happen for a reason. We are so, so blessed!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Shower Decor--My Favorite Details

I thought--after posting the progression of shower decor in the works--I should show off some of my favorite details from the shower. After approximately 45,000 yards of ribbon, 50 candles, 40 v0tive holders, and 65 rhinestones/jewels, the shower was complete!

I know the ribbon's crooked. I'm not feeling too inspired to change it...

I started a monogram for the gift table. It was eventually Tom Sawyered off to my mom, but I did finish it by gluing it together and putting the big white polka dots on it!

Pretty cute completed project, huh?
Here's a finalized centerpiece.
The paper products were pretty cute. Notice the ribbon and rhinestone hearts on the cutlery cups. I tried to keep everything unified with that.
I had absolutely nothing to do with the cake, but I loved it! Yes, it's sideways....
Here's a picture of one of my little placards in action. They really are functional, though this one seems a bit obvious! Aren't those pretty fruits?
Here's my cute, little sister-in-law-to-be opening the quilt my MawMaw Jan made for her. That MawMaw has some mad quilting skills!
The shower was a success! My little brother & bride to be are now a little closer to ready for married life. They received some really great gifts that they'll be able to use for years to come. Yay for bridal showers!!

Lingering thought of the day: Isn't it funny how God gives us everything we need right when we need it? His timing truly is perfect!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Center of the Centerpiece

For the bridal shower on Sunday, I centered the centerpieces around candles. I started with large pillar candles and a few other various items.

With the use of a hot glue gun and a little creativity, I created the center of the centerpiece. I found the little metallic centers in the jewelry aisle on clearance. They worked perfectly. Then I started the votive holders that will go with the pillars on the centerpieces and in various other locations. These votive holders were used for my wedding. I just redesigned them for this event. They're great for reusing...very frugal.
Here's the finished product. I wrapped and glued a little ribbon and covered the raw edge of the ribbon with a heart-shaped rhinestone. Some have pink ribbon, others have seafoam with white polka dots.
When all candles were finished, I assembled a practice centerpiece. I took a tray ($1.00 each at Deals), a piece of tulle with pretty little hearts around the edges, and arranged my candles. I think they'll be pretty cute at the shower when everything is together and ready.
With strategic shopping, creativity, a little time to experiment and create, and a few supplies on hand, quite a bit can be accomplished for not too, too much money. I'm all about living the creatively, frugal life. Yay!

Lingering thought of the day: It is SO nice to be home! I love being here with family!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Ummmm...Lots of Stuff (to be very profound)

Oh my! It has been a wild couple of days. I think instead of writing 18 posts over all of my ideas/excitement/anxiety/random thoughts, I'll just leave you with a list of the main points I can still easily remember. So, here we go:

#1--Dad's surgery went very well. Yay, Dad! He can now work on the recovery process and feel better soon. Thanks, Lord!

#2--My hubby matched. We don't know where until Thursday, but we know he's been placed for all four years. Hooray!

#3--Kansas City is, in my mind, no longer the arm pit of Missouri. Now, I will specify. I still think KC is a little shady on the Missouri side--though some parts are swank. The Kansas side is quite nice. This is based on what I saw in one day. I am by no means familiar with the area. My tour guide was spectacular (& quite convincing)!

#4--Eli is starting to use sentences. "I up." "I got it!" "Here you go." He's such a big boy! Are little ones supposed to use sentences--though short and simple--at sixteen months?

#5--I'm working on making sub plans for three consecutive days. I have 5 preps per day. Yikes!

#6-- Hearing my little guy say "Milkawhat?!?" cracks me up every time. Without fail.

#7--I've missed blogging the past few days. Really bad. I'm addicted. By the way, I LOVE comments. I'm addicted to those too. I think I might have issues.

#8--I much prefer for hotels to have shampoo & conditioner to a shampoo/conditioner 2-in-1. My hair feels much happier this way. I know I could bring my own. Sometimes I like to live life on the wild side and risk it.

#9-- I think Three Women and an Oven is the best bakery of all time. How willing would they be to become Four Women and an Oven? I want in on that. It's now my #2 dream job--right after stay at home mommy.

#10--I missed my hubby while I was gone. I rather like him.

#11--Eli got to hang out with three great-grandparents on Monday--all at one time. That's really good for him.

#12--I really want to go hug my dad. Are visiting hours over after 11:00 pm? If not, I'd drive for that.

#13--The decor for the bridal shower is coming along really well. Posts will follow very shortly, with pictures of course.

#14--I need to lose 40 pounds by Thursday. How feasable is that?

#15--I also need to find the perfect outfit for my now body just in case I don't lose those 40 pounds. How feasable is that?

#16--My hubby filled me in today on the tattoo to teeth ratio. After sitting in the waiting room with some dandys all day Monday, I totally get it.

#17--My 10 year old fish, Lilo, died today. Her mate, Stitch, died two years ago. They shared a good life. Was it wrong for us to skip the toilet side memorial after so many years together?

#18--I really didn't intend to list 18 things. I was just throwing out a spitball number. I'd better stop for now.

Lingering thought of the day: Hearing that Dad was joking with the nurses today made my heart happy! Tomorrow I get to talk to him!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Perfectly Personalized Placards

In all of the parties I've thrown, catered, decorated for, etc., one thing is always included. Really, I kind of consider it my signature move. I make little placards for the food table. They are always designed to enhance the theme of the party. My little placards may not be entirely beautiful or perfect, but they add detail that is usually not considered. How many times have you been to a party, roamed the buffet, and questioned in your head, "I think this is a dip, but what kind? What is this?" So many dips, little sandwiches, cookies, and such look like many other items of a similar nature. These leave little doubt or fear in the minds of guests.

I start with a pile of cardstock and pretty paper--which varies by event. This paper is for the bridal shower of my sis-in-law-to-be.

Then cut, paste, assemble, fold, write in a fun font (or type if you prefer). The first two I made for this event are my examples.
Here are a couple of close-ups. For some reason, the light in my dining room made them look yellowed...

These match the colors in the invitations, plates, napkins, and other decor.

Lingering thought of the day: Today I'm out being convinced that Kansas City is not the arm pit of Missouri. The only reason I've been led to believe it's the arm pit is because every time I've been there we've gotten lost--in scary central. Today I will be convinced that this is an awful misconception.

Friday, March 12, 2010

If scatter-brained = genius...

This morning, I decided to be a good little wife and make dinner in the crockpot before leaving for work. I put it all together, took a couple of pictures, set the crockpot on low, got ready for school, packed the car, and left. I looked forward to this dinner all day. I usually make mashed potatoes and peas with it, and it's simply heavenly. Finally, the day was over, and I made it home to start my potatoes and check on the part of dinner that was in the crockpot. When I checked it, it still looked like the picture above.

That's right. I set it on low, why didn't it cook? It wasn't plugged in, that's why. Unfortunately, this isn't the first time this has happened. I am a total, complete, and entire scatter-brain. Here's what gives me hope: most of the big "genius" types are scatter-brained too. My conclusion is this: I must be a genius. OR, I could just be a big dork who forgets to plug things in.

After failing to create a meal (and lacking in back-ups at the end of the week), we decided to go out to eat. We went somewhere REAL NICE where we've never been before in our married life: Wendy's.

At Wendy's, Eli had a first. He ate with a spoon--completely and entirely by himself. He shared a frosty with us. But, really, aren't frosties quite the motivating force? He scooped.... He opened wide... And there was sweet success!
Once we finished our dessert, we decided to go walk it off across the street at Home Depot. We ran into the lawnmowers, which reminded me that Eli's PawPaw Keith is in the market for a new one. So Eli rated a few mowers for him based on what he felt was important.

The first mower Eli tried was a John Deere. He liked the color and the cushy seat. He liked the feel of the tires. But he wanted to try a few more.

The next mower to check out was the Cub Cadet. He thought it was pretty cool. It was cozy. It had fun armrests that were dual purpose: they're comfy and they helped him stay in. The only problem was that he had a bit of trouble seeing over the wheel. Regardless, this is a definite option.
After this came the orange one (named something we've never heard of). The inability to remember the name doesn't much help it. However, it's a cool color and it has some pretty swanky cup holders. That would be great for a Sonic tea or a sippy cup--all depending on who's doing the mowing.
Eli's favorite mower, by far, was the Toro. It had a really cool steering wheel (that's not really a wheel). It has a cup holder AND a spot to hold Cheerios. Yep, this is the winner.
Eli's a really good helper. He pushed the cart all over Home Depot. Bye, bye!
Lingering thought of the day: If there's one thing I've learned in teaching, it's this: teenagers, ultimately, are good. So many of them today told me they're praying for my dad and his surgery. Many more told me they hope & know all will go well. They really are sweet creatures!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Eli's No Mulch Muncher!

Little man loves the outside. It was pretty enough a few days ago to play outside at the park. Eli played with everything, saw all the sights, ran like a wild man, and came home for a very long nap.

Here's my happy boy standing in the mulch he enjoyed carrying in his hand while he explored. By some miracle, he never tried to taste it!
Eli considered climbing a just his size tree. There was a little guy rock climbing wall that was pretty cool. It won't be long, buddy.
Isn't this the cutest little seat? I know it's really a climbing step, but it made the perfect little spot for my little man to plop down and kick his feet.
Eli tried out the slide. Not the whole thing, of course. It was pretty fun!

There was a little music maker in the land of the little bitty kids. We have quite the musical genius on our hands. ;)
This is how Eli spent the bulk of his park time--just hanging out and exploring.

Eli was not a fan of the swings. We even tried putting him on a lap and swinging on the big kid swings. He wasn't having it. This was his swing happy face...

Cute little doorway, cute little boy.
We had a great time at the park. I cannot wait for summer break!

Lingering thought of the day: Eli loves his Uncle Kent!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Nervous Energy

Those who read my blog will know far too much about me before all is said and done. When I get nervous, scared, mad, upset, hurt feelinged, ecstatic, or feel any strong feelings at all, I become very productive. Last week, I was a bit nervous. So, I started getting things done.

I baked. The top pictures are chocolate surprise cookies. They were a lot prettier in the cookbook, and the recipe was supposed to make 2 1/2 dozen. The cookies on the platter are the entire batch, which leads me to believe I made them just a bit too large. They are on the platter that my mom sent my birthday cake on. She taught me that when someone sends you something on/in a dish, you are to return the dish with something scrumptious for them. So, she gets these ginormous chocolate cakey cookies.

These are snickerdoodles. I love snickerdoodles. Both batches were made Sunday morning before church.

My dad requested that we bring him a picture of Eli to put in his room while he recovers, so I made him this collage. Isn't that little man adorable?

While Eli was home sick & napping, I made dad a card and totebag. I've been playing with lots of different hand-written designs and fonts on paper products. These totebags are so easy to make. I've done them two different ways. Option one: take the tote bag apart, trace on the back, machine stitch it, cut the felt, and reassemble the tote. Option two: pin on the felt, hand-stitch freehanded, cut the felt along the stitching, and call it a day. For this bag, I used option two. If you're going to use writing, use option one.

Eli made PawPaw Keith a card. Inside there was artwork by Eli. He's quite the artist, but he had more marker on himself than he did the card. His little hands looked like they belonged to a Smurf. Thank goodness for washable markers!

If you only have an ounce of creativity, a little bit of free time, and some nervous energy to drive you along, it's quite simple to make some creatively frugal gifts!

Lingering thought of the day: It frustrates me when I can't get my pictures and words lined up just how I want them to be!

Real lingering thought of the day: In precisely six days, dad will be out of surgery now and my hubby will know whether or not he matched. It'll be one major Monday.