Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Eli's first day of school

I know I'm really, really late on posting this, but I just found the pictures from Eli's first day of preschool.  This did occur in August, but I'd still like to have them up here! 
Eli was so excited to start school.  For weeks, before it actually started, he'd ask me if he got to go to school that day.  So, on the first day, he was ecstatic!  We packed his backpack with extra clothes and such, took the first day of school pictures, and left for school.

This is a total daddy face!  Isn't he cute? 

We headed downstairs to his classroom.  (It's only been a couple of months, and he's walking down the stairs like an old pro now.)  He gave me big hugs and kisses.  Then told me to leave...  I'm so proud of my big, independent boy!  We'd been talking for a long time about the first day (and how I'd leave him there to play then come back for him), and he was ready!

We like the Noah mural.  This picture cracks me up every time I see it!  He looks like a little Ark Cruiseline tour guide.  Love it!
He had a great first day!  Eli still loves school.  He loves learning, making things, and playing with the other kids.  It's so good for him! 

Lingering thought of the day: I am so very thankful that I get to stay home and take care of my babies all day.  I LOVE it.  I'm living my dream!

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