This required some thought. Being a foodie, I thought dinner time would be fun. However, 7pm is a little after the dinner hour. SO, I thought about a movie and popcorn. I checked their registry and found a game. Bananagrams. I've never played it, but it looks like fun. Anyway... I bought the game and stuck to the popcorn idea. Let me explain.
I bought three little glass containers and to fill with popcorn toppings. I made a Southern Mix, Chili Cheese Mix, and Chocolate Mix. Each little container held a different mix. Here's an example:
Then I assembled the seasonings in a big popcorn bowl full of popcorn (rather than some silly filler that doesn't follow the theme and is basically just a waste). I added a few packs of unseasoned popcorn, and put the game front and center.
I bought a roll of shrink wrap to cover the gift--so none of it would jump ship on the car ride. Not that I'm a wild was just piled a little high. :) The shrink wrap was really fun to put on, but my first attempt was far from beautiful. This will require a bit of practice. In the process of wrapping the gift, I knocked over some of the toppings and things shifted a bit. Now I know some handy pointers for next time.
I had a lot of fun putting this gift together. I like to buy from registries, so that I'm sure what I'm getting is something they want/need. However, I like to add a personal touch to gifts. I think both goals were accomplished here. Woohoo for presents!
Lingering thought of the day: My little man has had a fever & cough for four days now. Pray that he feels better soon!
Bananagrams...much better gifts than banana hammocks.